Wednesday 5 February 2014

Gerund and Infinitive


1. She suggested not to walking around that area.
2. Anggun suggested not to playing outside.
3. I finished playing that game since yesterday.
4. He started working two days ago.
5. They keep on swimming.
6. He started doing his homework.
7. She mentioned staying up late.
8. They stopped calling us cowards.
9. They finished their job on Tuesday.
10. The waiter finished doing his job.


1..He asked me to leave his house.
2. They started to learn how to play football.
3. He agreed to come with you.
4. That woman offered to buy her property.
5. She promised to do my job
6. She decided to stay in the car.
7. They decided to buy that car.
8. She waited to be seated.
9. He promised to come to my party.
10. They agreed to seat at the front.

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